Daily Archives: 2010/04/25

“Eclipse” Trailer Mash-Up

All the “Eclipse” Trailers Mashed together to make one long one! LOVE IT! There are some very talented people out there.

Thanks to RJ for sending us the link!

Source : Robstenation

Kate Gosselin wants Robert Pattinson

Kate Gosselin wants Robert Pattinson
Kate Gosselin wants Robert Pattinson

Last week Jon Gosselin turned heads by telling TMZ that he wants to be a television host – maybe even host of the Tonight Show one day, assuming Jay Leno ever gives it up.

Now, it’s Kate Gosselin‘s turn to turn heads too.

Kate Gosselin is well aware that her fifteen minutes of fame may finally be up. And now that her “Dancing with the Stars” gig is over, sources close to Gosselin have been quoted in the media stating that Kate is prepared to hunker down and focus on her acting career.

What acting career, you ask?

Well, she doesn’t exactly have one yet. But she wants one. And sometimes in show business, that’s all you need.

As a result, Kate Gosselin has reportedly been telling her “handlers” that she wants to work with Robert Pattinson of Twilight fame.

Another rumored Kate Gosselin dream? To host Saturday Night Live.

Between wanting to co-star with Robert Pattinson and then grace the stage at SNL, is it safe to say that Kate Gosselin is an ambitious star on the rise? Or is she a fading reality TV mom who has completely lost touch with reality?

Please leave your thoughts and comments below.

Source : Robert Pattinson


The translation of the text was made by me

3 packs of New Moon

If you are a great fan of Twilight Saga, we can’t miss the opportunity to have this DVD the Collector Collection.  It includes not only the movie of New Moon but all the deleted scenes, but you have post cards of each protagonist and also a frame of the movie.


The translation of the text was made by me

It is enough to look to the walls of Rute’s Room to understand that she is fan of Twilight Saga.

Take Look …



The translation of the text was made by me

Robert Lost In Time

He took of the Vampire teeth’s and now he wears a morning suit and a top hat. Unnecessary will be saying that our Robert continues to be sexy ….  Be that as it may! On the final of the 19th century. A French soldier arrives to Paris without money and with not will to go to work. The only thing that he wants is to live healthy life and enjoy the company of the most beautiful ladies a thing that it’s no difficult to him. Bel Ami is attractive and charm men and no women can resist him. Of course to give the life to the ladies ‘man no one is better than Robert. The morning suite and the tall hat that suites him perfectly, although he confess that it was hard to get use to this image: “On the story, sex has an important role “. Humm, it’s interesting to see our ex-vampire with clothes it will be lovely sight for our eyes. Good, but we must be patient because we still have to wait until May of 2011 to see it. “It’s been an intense work, but I’m love the part, it’s something totally different from what I have done until now and that means that will grow a little has an actor” and we are going to assist at that growth.


The translation of the text was made by me

Taylor The Disastrous Trip

He landed so close that we decided to go and meet him. Unfortunately not everything turns out as we expected.

On Friday, 9th of April we arrived on Madrid, for a very special meeting with Taylor Lautner. The actor was on the town to elect on more European ambassador and we were so close of the Spanish capital, we decided to witness the visit. “I was so happy to be back to Spain and see the fans again that support me so much “, he told days before the journey.

He barely knew (and us) that things wouldn’t turn so right. It all begins at 7pm, near the door of the Teatriz restaurant, place where the most expected event took place. The crowd of fans was so big that we lost the sigh of it and nerves were at the peak. They took posters of the werewolf, gentle messages and all most part of them where with photo cameras ready.

On end of the day (the waiting last until 8pm), when Taylor was preparing to make his big entrance … “Where was he? Someone advises the actor to avoid the photocall and to enter by the backdoor “in order to avoid the meeting with the fans that were located on the front door. Unnecessary to say that went wrong!

While the hundreds of fans of the actor were making a fuss because of the discontent for want happen, on the interior of the room (also), something unexpected was happening. The medium were called to the event, between them was the BRAVO waiting to talk to Taylor and took the habitual photos but were obstructed of doing their work. The organization was a chaos and we went straight home… with empty hands. The only record we could get was of Taylor passage by the Teatriz that was resuming to five minutes with right to take some photos (that you can see on the bottom of the page). “Sometimes feel like a puppet”, Taylor said before leave the room. “I would have enjoyed more the company of my fans and I’m sorry for the press to be so bored with all that happen, but nothing depends of me. There are other people who decide what I have to do and say on these situations”, he refers with a compromised look. The door close behind him and no one else try to tell a thing.  Finally, flop of the trip.


The translation of the text was made by me

Wolves And Vampires Join

The world of eclipse it’s full of mystery. So these pictures from the third part of the saga are a luxury only to reach of the readers of bravo like you. The pictures that now you see only serve to prove what you already know: The tension around the loving triangle formed by Edward, Bella and Jacob, this last one drive to despair because of not corresponded love and the worries of the Cullen on assure de safety of the girl.

Rob Makes The Sunday Times Rich List 2010

Rob has finally made The Sunday Times Rich List, a British special which profiles the 1,000 richest people and families in the UK and the wealthiest 250 in Ireland.

Rob is the top new entry this year, worth an estimated £13m he is ranking 14th on the list of young millionaires aged 30 and under.
Twilight film star Robert Pattinson, 23, worth £13m, is the top new entry in the list of young millionaires aged 30 and under, ranking 14th. He joins Harry Potter film star Daniel Ratcliffe, 20, now worth £42m and ranked 5th in the young list, ahead of Kiera Chaplin, 27, and Keira Knightley, 25, each worth £28m and ranked equal 7th; Emma Watson, 20, worth £22m at 10th equal; and Rupert Grint, 21, worth £20m and ranked 12th.

The 22nd annual Sunday Times Rich List – the definitive guide to wealth in Britain and Ireland – is published in a special 104-page supplement, which profiles the 1,000 richest people and families in the UK and the wealthiest 250 in Ireland. The list is based on identifiable wealth (land, property, other assets such as art and racehorses, or significant shares in publicly quoted companies), and excludes bank accounts (to which the paper has no access).


Source : Robstenation

Rob in Glamour Mag – Spain With Translation

Thanks to twilightpoisonvia spunk_ransom. Check out the rest of the mag scans at their site.

After seeing this movie I just have to ask: how do you want to be remembered?
I don’t want to be remembered in any particular way. For many reasons, I prefer to go unnoticed and that my death is something completely clean so nobody has to feel bad about it.

You’ve said that Remember Me is the most personal project you’ve ever done.
Yes, because I’ve become involved in every aspect of the movie. I thought I could play this character as close as possible to me, but as soon as I got into the role I realized that we’re very different.

Do you regret getting so immersed in the role?
In a way I do, yes. Because I had an idea in mind of how I wanted to play him before making the movie, and in the end I played a completely different character. I always forget that scripts change once you start shooting. I’ve tried to give the best of me and the final result is not what I expected. Still it’s been a great experience for me because I’ve learned so much.

Your character is rebellious, do you relate to him?
Yes, but what happens is that the character reminds me more of my sister and her friends. They were my inspiration when it came to playing the character.

Have you had a personal crisis now that you’re in your twenties?
Of course! We’ve all lived our adolescence like it was some sort of period of freedom and we don’t accept the world like it is, but when you reach 20 or 21 years old you realize that you have adapt yourself and accept reality. There’s no teenager that ddoesn’t have an identity crisis. When I was 22 I got that crisis when I thought I wasn’t young anymore, and I obsessed with thinking that I was a fake for playing characters that have nothing in common with me. Luckily I’m over that phase.

How do you live knowing that everybody wants a piece of you?
The most important thing is to take controlof your life, trying to control it asmuch as you can. On one hand, you have fans chasing you, photographers, and that can make you feelanxious, but at the same time you have the luck of being offered amazing projects like Remember Mem which was the project that I wanted for solong and not many actors had access to it. But I have to confess, so much attention makes you paranoid.

Are you afraid of being who you are?
Of course! Now I’m so aware of every stepI take, I have less freedom too, I can’t afford to make a mistake, butI’m also afraid of being successful. I end uplosing either way.

Many people say that your career is taking off exactly like Leonardo Di Caprio’s career after Titanic, what do you think about that?
It’s weird because I’m starting to work in many independent movies and DiCpario was nominated for an Oscar when he was like 11 (NOTE from Vale: He was actually 19, for What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, 1993.). The situation is different. He always knew he wanted to be an actor, and I just had the opportunity come to me by chance. The downside is that with somuch attention around me I feel like I don’t have the opportunity to learn like he learned when he was a kidi n Hollywood, and I have to guide myself with my better judgement and my team’s.

The pressure of being Robert Pattinson must be very strong, being an actor expected to make millions and millions of dollars now. You’re almost a brand now.
I can’t deny that tthat’s the true monster and it doesn’t work in my favor, it works against me. I mean, the more people think they know me, the more I want to hide and identify myself with other things. People ask me a lot if I’m afraid of being type cast, but what really scares me ismaking a bunch of money with just one character, because it will limit my career. In Hollywood is all about the box office results. As soon as you make a movie that bombs, a lot of people are going to label you and say you’re done. And I don’t think that’s fair, because not everything you make is going to turn into gold, and I definitely want to choose movies with different colors.

What kind of movies do you want to make?
I would make only small movies, however that can lead to me being unemployed in ten years. So I have to think carefully about every step I take. I know I can’t completely turn my back to blockbuster movies.

Is there an actor that you look up to?
Joaquin Phoenix, and Ryan Gosling has done great movies. But Joaquin is my hero because all his cards are wild, and he doesn’t care what people think about him or the industry.

Now tell me the truth… are you single?
And with that we’re done (laughs), am I single?

Source: Robstenation