Daily Archives: 2010/05/08

Bravo 04 MAY 2010 – Eclipse Com Maiss Violência Novos Vampiros Atacam Bella (Eclipse with more Violence New Vampires Attack Bella ) – Translated By Me

“They will come to us there is no choise. This time will have to fight . It’s leaving or dying”, Alice warns her friend Bella . The love story the divides Bella between Edward and Jacob goes to second plan : now the important thing it’s to survive the attack of an insatiable  and not so friendly group of bloodsuckers .

They arrive Forks with the desire of annihilate every human or vampire that cross their path. But it’s not all : The redoubtable Victoria is getting close to Bella and wants to kill her to revenge the death of her boyfriend. This way, sweetness is, the looks and the gestures of eternal love, the smiles and the happiness that surrounded the Cullen Family ended.

The situation it’s so serious that for the first time , the werewolves are  beside the vampires . It ‘s up to Jacob to let go his pride and hatred and fight with them to defend Bella’s Life . But as a consolation : ” I will get to kill some vampires, he said on a face to face with Edward .

Already Bella feels tormented and desperate. She is the motive of the unavoidable battle that is about to happen . ” There will be casualties”, Doctor Cullen warns. Bella can’t stand the risk that she puts Jacob thought, her best friend and can’t imagine her life without Edward.

All the care will be few, because all the new borns won’t give up the pursuit of their goal: catch her. This live or die will keep you fix on the big screen during all the Eclipse…

An army of new born vampires invades Forks and the bloody battle starts . Edward, Jacob and Bella could Die !

When I finish read this I fell even more anxious to see the movie and how anxious are you to see the movie ?